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iceberg Table Function

Provides a read-only table-like interface to Apache Iceberg tables in Amazon S3, Azure or locally stored.


icebergS3(url [, NOSIGN | access_key_id, secret_access_key, [session_token]] [,format] [,compression_method])
icebergS3(named_collection[, option=value [,..]])

icebergAzure(connection_string|storage_account_url, container_name, blobpath, [,account_name], [,account_key] [,format] [,compression_method])
icebergAzure(named_collection[, option=value [,..]])

icebergLocal(path_to_table, [,format] [,compression_method])
icebergLocal(named_collection[, option=value [,..]])


Description of the arguments coincides with description of arguments in table functions s3, azureBlobStorage and file correspondingly. format stands for the format of data files in the Iceberg table.

Returned value A table with the specified structure for reading data in the specified Iceberg table.


SELECT * FROM icebergS3('', 'test', 'test')

ClickHouse currently supports reading v1 and v2 of the Iceberg format via the icebergS3, icebergAzure and icebergLocal table functions and IcebergS3, icebergAzure ans icebergLocal table engines.

Defining a named collection

Here is an example of configuring a named collection for storing the URL and credentials:

SELECT * FROM icebergS3(iceberg_conf, filename = 'test_table')
DESCRIBE icebergS3(iceberg_conf, filename = 'test_table')


Table function iceberg is an alias to icebergS3 now.

See Also